

A child’s laugh

Human eye contact

A woman’s smile, just for you

The snap of a pickle

movie theater popcorn

The smell of cookies in the oven

Golden turkey

Pink steak

Hot potatoes and gravy

Sunshine on a cold day

Stars at night

Dew at first light

The slight wave of the flag

An old man at attention

A ghost trumpet called

A worship song that hits the heart

A preacher’s psalm just for you

The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost

Holding hands in the dark

The smell of perfume that lingers

The soft touch of cold fingers

A strong handshake from a friend

Relationships that are real

Battle checks, never forget your pals

A hug from mom

A “that a boy” from dad

Home sweet home

A brother’s love

A sister’s support

And a family creed

Happiness is different for everyone

but it’s just what we need.


Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer With Santa Claus!