Published Author

Anthony Gallucci


Welcome to the official website of Anthony Gallucci. I will add blog posts, teasers, and other cool stuff as I continue on all these small adventures that make up the one big adventure...LIFE.


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Book Reviews.

" ... like all of a sudden the nature that had been shielding me from the outside world betrayed me and I was vulnerable again." A stream of consciousness story with a strong sense of place, familiar to anyone in the North Country.” - Tyler Nye (Cascade)

“I can't wait to read the next book! I really hope the author makes this into a series because I want to hear more about the characters and find the setting so fascinating. It takes place in upstate New York and has a very mysterious vibe throughout. The entire time I felt like I was there and that these were real people trying to solve this crime. Really hope he decides to publish more because I will definitely be reading!” -Sara Bee (Cascade)

“This book exceeds my expectations. It is very well written. A must-read.” -Amazon Customer (Cascade)

“I absolutely loved this book! The night that I started reading it I did not intend on finishing it that night. I intended to read a couple of chapters and go to bed as I was extremely tired from a long travel day. I could not put it down. Every chapter pulled you in and I felt a definite emotional attachment to each of these characters ! This book has it all end it will tap into multiple layers of emotion as you read it. The American dream, a family of Friends dedicated to the love of their city, a beautiful love story, and the most intriguing twist on vigilante justice! It is a must read!! I’m looking forward to future reads from this author!

-WestCoastReads (The Donnelly Brothers)

“'The Donnelly Brothers' is 166 pages of heartfelt, authentic characters, each with their own personalities that we've all seen in someone we know, and struggles many of us have endured and can sympathize with. The secondary, situational characters fill their roles perfectly. They serve a real purpose and draw some level of emotion, without forcing you to become too invested in them.

The main players, and there are several, not the least of which are The Donnelly Brothers themselves, really become a part of you. I felt as if I had met each one of them, as if I had some personal attachment and memory with every one. The roller coaster of emotions this book took me on would rival those at any major theme park…” -Cameron Boprey